Sunday, April 13, 2008

I am not too wild for cherries, but...

Despite the fact that cherry is one of the most widespread artificial flavors, I have never been a fan. However, I boisterously applaud the Mars corporation for their brillant idea! The new limited edition wild cherry m&m's are certainly special.
These m&m's are a little larger and rounder than usual, and they are colored a beautiful blood red. Seriously, the color is almost exactly like the color of a real cherry. The people who made this color should get an award. In fact, I hereby declare the color scientists who spent hours in the lab devising the formula to make this gorgeous color the recipients of my blog's award of excellence.
The flavor of this candy is not just a generic lame cherry flavor that you get on lolly pops at the doctor's office. Instead, it is a flavor that tastes more like the chocolate covered cherry cordials that old ladies give to trick or treaters. It is extremely accurate. --the closest cherry flavor to actual cherry that I have ever encountered.
If I liked cherry flavor, then I would love these m&m's. Even with my dislike for cherry flavor, the flavor is so good that I still kind of like these m&m's. This candy is a fantastic idea with perfect execution. I hope that perhaps there will be more limited edition flavored m&m's in the future. A mint version would be great!
Here's a silly corporate website: website:

p.s. I just found out that a previous limited edition flavor was raspberry! yum! I wish I could have tried them!